Quality and emissions testing our fabric is a key element of ensuring a sustainable product. Our fabrics undergo rigorous testing to ensure they are fit for purpose and safe. All our testing is done in Australia with complete traceability and third party certification. Our focus is impact minimisation, with any commercial grade production there are always unavoidable emissions. Transparency on what is used in our fabrics and the effect on the environment is crucial for our team to continuously find new ways to reduce our environmental footprint.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is an important environmental consideration as it refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a significant source of indoor air pollution. The measurement of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) is frequently used to assess IAQ and provides a useful monitor for determining changes in the indoor air quality.
All our fabrics are independently tested to the standards prescribed by the National Construction Code (NCC) for the fire performance of interior textiles. AS/NZS 1530.3.
Wool is an inherently non-flammable fibre. For the safety of our customers we do not add any fire retardancy to any of our products. There is growing evidence that many flame retardant chemicals can have a serious negative impact on human health.
Our strict farm to fabric chain of custody ensures there are no harmful emissions from our fabrics. We commissioned Consulting Enterprises in Technology (CETEC) to test the fabrics in our collection using the methods and principles for VOC emissions outlined in the Green Star Office Design Technical Manual (IEQ-13 Indoor Air Pollutants).
The average emission rate of TVOC at 30 days for all fabrics tested was less than 0.005mg/m2/hr and well below the Green Star requirement of 0.5mg/m2/hr. In addition the test report for our fabric notes “the chemical compounds detected in the very low emissions from the products were not recognised chemicals of concern and would not pose a health issue to humans.”
Our wool fabrics also improve IAQ by absorbing and neutralising some VOCs including formaldehydes on an ongoing basis. Recent research has found that wool can absorb formaldehydes in such enormous quantities to help reduce the impact of sick building syndrome.
Like indoor plants, our wool fabrics enhance the aesthetics of the indoor environment but have the added advantage of no ongoing maintenance costs. Wool textiles ensure that many VOCs are absorbed and contribute to improved IAQ. Our fabrics can also contribute to the WELL certification, a leading tool for advancing health and well-being in buildings globally.
The Ecological and Toxicological Association of Dyes and Organic Pigments Manufacturers (ETAD) is the only independent international association for colourant-producing companies. The ETAD confirms that the dyestuffs and pigment preparations supplied to Sustainable Living Fabrics does not exceed the ETAD recommended limit values for heavy metal impurities in organic dyestuffs and pigment preparations.
Sustainability starts at the very beginning and considers the entire supply chain. Our priority is creating a high quality, durable product that truly stands the test of time.
Embodied energy is the sum of all the energy used to in the life of a product. It’s important to look at sustainability from this lense. A product that lasts 3 years then is recycled, although is classified as sustainable, uses more energy than a product that is designed to last a minimum of 12 years. Although we have recycling options in place, our priority is designing for longevity.
Our entire range comes with a 12 year warranty, this is our assurance of that quality. Along with our environmental credentials, it is important for us to guarantee durability as to provide our clients with the peace of mind that their selection will last throughout the years.
Our fabrics are checked multiple times for quality assurance and batch consistency. Once the fabric is checked by our mill and dye house it is brought to our warehouse to be checked again by our expert team with over 15 years experience.
GECA ensures the quality of the materials that we use, including out dyes, yarn and packaging. This encompasses 61 stringent criteria we must meet to be certified, see here for more information on GECA.